Outside the Archaeological Museum, a beautiful Medusa head. So hard to believe the apotropaic... There was a great exhibition on the Artemision, a site dedicated to the goddess. Was looking for a small statue of her majesty I'd seen there two years ago but besides the help of the sweetest guards I didn't manage. Maybe I dreamt of it.. The Museum of Archeology (as it's called) is one of my favourite places here.

A Roman comic actor

A guy

The Room of Emperor Hadrian, one of the most beautiful

And the remnants of Troy..

"One immediately rejects human sacrifice, although there is an ancient Ionian and ancient Attic custom which can be brought into connection here: that of the Pharmakos, the scapegoat. Once a year, during the Thargelia festival in spring, a man or a woman was led out in front of the city, scourged on the genitals, driven away or stoned, as is frequently related by the Ionian-Lydian poet Hipponax, who lived in Ephesos and certainly knew the custom from first hand experience. It is therefore conceivable that this purification ritual, and the connected killing of the scapegoat, that is of a human, took place at the altar of the sanctuary of Artemis" Text: Anton Bammer
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