
Les passions du tabac

The Smoking Museum www.museedufumeur.net


Nightwalking in South Beach

In the windows of vintage shops.. After the deuce walking with Yishai


If you are in Athens tonight...

Eftihis Patsourakis solo show at Eleni Koroneou gallery. Don't miss!

Marcelo singing Roberto Carlos in the karaoke...

Mermerizing Marcelo Krasilcic..

Far from 'nada' happening in South Beach

Rodeo's booth in NADA; solo presentation Ahmet Öğüt, until December 9... And Özge infront of the drawings NADA's opening party at the Baron Baron again At the karaoke bar with Gedi Sibony, Jenny Monik and Jannis Varelas


"..and everybody's gonna..."

Sunday morning in nyc, leaving for the south.... In Miami Murals in the Clay Hotel where we went to sleep. And then I had a dream that looked like that:


...to downtown NYC

The sweet Özge Ersoy in brackets by Laurel Woodcock in Artists Space A beautiful piece by Valerie Hegarty in Artists Space Some greekness... At the opening of the New Museum with my Mari Spirito and the great Fernanda Arruda New York... New York... Silence=Death 1987 by ACT UP (Gran Fury)

From up there....